Promoting Kesha with Social Media


The similarities across these different platforms is that they use a lot of the same photographs and text, this strengthens the brand of the album/artist. most of the photographs used are from music videos or the album cover, again this sticks with the albums housestyle. The rainbow emoji and hashtag are consistently used across all platforms, this encourages fans to also use this. 

The differences across these platforms are that there is longer and more elaborate text on the Facebook posts where as on the twitter posts them are very short, mainly just with the word 'Rainbow' or the rainbow emoji. Also there are videos inserted on the Instagram posts but these are not included on the Facebook post. Fans can share the posts on all platforms apart from Instagram, this limits who see the advertisement as you have to follow her to see it.


Facebook: Kesha used Facebook to promote videos and photos of her new album, this was because fans could follow/like her page and get constant updates/advertisement of this. This is an advantage as if fans keep seeing the album appear on their timeline then they are more likely to buy/download it. A disadvantage of this is that Facebook targets an older audience then Kesha so it may not be as popular. 

Twitter: Kesha is uses twitter to provide links to her album and photographs, this is an advantage as fans can retweet the link or photographs to further promote the album, this is good as a wide audience will see the advertising. This is a very cheap way to get a lot of people to hear about her album. A disadvantage of this is that she can't put much detail or writing about the album as there is a character limit. 

Instagram: Kesha uses Instagram to share a variety of videos and photographs to promote her album, this lets all her followers see her promoting the album which makes them want to buy/download it. Fans can also interact with Kesha, this is an advantage as they can tag friends and give their opinions of the album. A disadvantage of this is that it cannot be shared, this can limit how far the material spreads and what audience it reaches.
